More affordable & powerful than Canny

Product Feedback & Changelog Platform for Fast-Growing Startups

Streamline feedback collection, identify impactful product opportunities and scale faster by building the right features.

The Featurebase feedback portal showing already received user feedback.
Check out some existing feedback portals:Structured,CivitAI,Senja

Companies of all sizes Featurebase

Featurebase customer logo:
Featurebase customer logo:
Featurebase customer logo: Checkly.
Featurebase customer logo: Daybridge.
Featurebase customer logo: Tokun.
Featurebase customer logo: Usemotion.
Featurebase customer logo: Compass.
Featurebase customer logo: Fiberplane.
Featurebase customer logo: Screenstudio.

Capture feedback

Create your feedback community

Users don’t want to send feedback to a black hole. Give them a sense of control with engaging and highly scalable feedback portals.

public board

After testing multiple tools, Featurebase was the simplest, easiest, and most straightforward product feedback solution we found. We are using it for internal and external alignment. It has been super intuitive!

John Tan

John Tan

Product at Depict

Unlike any feedback tool you've used

Carefully crafted to the last detail, so you can collect & manage feedback without any unnecessary complexities.

AI Suggestions

Eliminate Duplicate Feedback With AI detection

Our AI helps you effortlessly combine duplicate requests into a single thread.


An unmatched experience

A dashboard you'll enjoy using - manage feedback with ease

Designed for modern startups that don't want to deal with clunky or complex workflows and interfaces.


Plugs into your existing tools and workflows

Integrate with tools like Intercom, Linear, Slack & others to organize user feedback and its context in one place while seamlessly keeping your customers updated.

Publish changelogs

Boost new feature adoption with changelogs

Build a brand of constant improvement and make sure new releases don't go unnoticed.

If you're not announcing new features like this, you're announcing new features wrong. Moving to Featurebase has been one of our better decisions.



Founder at

Loved by thousands of modern teams

Join thousands of teams that use Featurebase every day to collect, organize, and prioritize user feedback.

Create your feedback community and give your users a voice

Capture feedback, prioritize feature requests & keep your customers in the loop - all in one tool.