Case study


Competitors are no longer innovating or really adding "features”. Featurebase is actively listening to their users and implementing things that genuinely help.

Although Civitai is run by a small team, it stands as the largest online repository and community for AI models.


The team had experimented with various feedback tools but hadn't yet pinpointed the perfect fit, said Maxfield Hulker, the Co-Founder.

"We needed a simple feedback system our users could seamlessly use."


In their pursuit of an ideal tool, they tried several options, including Canny. As their view of the market became clearer, Featurebase quickly emerged as their top choice.

"Competitors are no longer innovating or really adding 'features'. Featurebase actively listens to their users and implements things that genuinely help."

Switching to Featurebase was effortless. The dedicated importing flow from Canny ensured a smooth and quick migration. The transition took less than 10 minutes, said Maxfield.


Civitai primarily leverages Featurebase for bug reporting and capturing feature requests from their users. Within just two months of adoption, they had collected over 1180 ideas from their community.

Beyond the feedback board, Civitai is also using a public roadmap to foster transparency with their user base.

"If you're looking at a similar service like Canny, give Featurebase a try first. They clearly care about their users, and the price point makes it a no-brainer to at least test. We've been really happy so far."

Maxfield Hulker-picture

Maxfield Hulker

Co-Founder at CivitAI



Founded in




Create your feedback community and give your users a voice

Capture feedback, prioritize feature requests & keep your customers in the loop - all in one tool.