Integrates with your favorite tools
Featurebase integrates with your favorite tools to plug straight into your current workflow.
Zapier integration
Get automated notifications in Slack or add all new feedback to your Trello board - the possibilities are endless.
Intercom integration
Embed Featurebase in your Intercom messenger to capture feature requests, bug reports, and feedback.
Linear integration
Keep all user feedback posted on Featurebase in sync with Linear and automatically display updates on your public roadmap.
Jira integration
Sync your Jira issues with Featurebase feedback and easily communicate changes with your users.
ClickUp integration
Keep Featurebase post statuses in sync with ClickUp and break Featurebase posts down into smaller ClickUp tasks to manage development.
Integration for Slack
Easily capture new feedback and receive new post notifcations from any Slack channel.
GitHub integration
Sync Featurebase posts with GitHub issues to automatically update the progress of new features and bug fixes.
Segment integration
Featurebase's integration with Segment lets you easily track all the event that your users make on your feedback portal.
Discord integration
Your Discord users get access to the /feedback command to submit feedback, feature requests & bug reports straight from Discord.
Zendesk integration
Keep track of how many customers request a topic, save requests as actionable tasks and automate follow-ups to always close the feedback loop.
The simple feedback tool with feature voting for your customer feedback. Built-in the 🇪🇺.
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